ONKS Nijmegen

After those two fantastic NSZKs, are you ready to carry it on to Nijmegen now? This year we have been given the honour of organising the ONKS 2025 and I hope to welcome as many members here as possible! Have you always hesitated to participate in an NSZK now? Then this is the chance to join a student swimming competition in your own home for once! Below is an overview with all the information.



On Friday evening, we’ll begin the festivities in Nijmegen at Café de Fuik (Eerste Walstraat 6, 6511 GG Nijmegen). The pre-drinks start at 21:00 and end at 01:00, though they will likely carry on into the late after hours. During this time, beer, wine, and soda will be available for only €2.50 each—how delightful! Note: Entry is restricted to participants aged 18 and older. 



The competition will take place in the 6-lane, 50-meter pool at Sportfondsen Nijmegen-West (Planetenstraat 65, 6543 VW Nijmegen). Important times for the competition are as follows: 

Pool access: 13:00
Warm-up starts: 13:15
Warm-up ends: 13:45
Competition starts: 13:50
Expected end time: 18:30

The distances that will be:
4x100m medley mixed
100m freestyle women
100m freestyle men
200m individual medley women
200m individual medley men
50m breastroke women
50m breaststroke men
100m backstroke women
100m backstroke men
50m butterfly women
50m butterfly men
50m freestyle women
50m freestyle men
100m breaststroke women
100m breaststroke men
50m backstroke women
50m backstroke men
200m freestyle women
200m freestyle men
100m butterfly women
100m butterfly men
4x100m freestyle women
4x100m freestyle men


Unfortunately, there will be no option for cool-down swimming. 


There will also be live timing for this competition. You can share this link with anyone so they can see your times! The link:

Open Nederlandse Kampioenschappen Studenten 2025 Nijmegen - SPLASH Meet Manager 11



After the competition, a delicious dinner will be served at the pool in several shifts. The meal consists of a grand vegetable Kolhapuri (a mildly spicy curry with carrots, broccoli, and chickpeas). If you have any allergies, please let me now in your registration!



The party starts at 22:00 at Café de Professor (Professor Bromstraat 54, 6525 BB Nijmegen). The theme will be announced later, so stay tuned! Note that the party is exclusively for participants aged 18 and older. Make sure everyone brings their ID, as entry will be checked at the door. This is not just any party—it’s a pitcher party with outrageously good deals on pitchers! Shots will also be available for only €2, so don’t miss out! 


Sleeping spots

All participants will be assigned to sleep with us as members. Normally at an NSZK, you also expect to have a place to sleep, so let's all try to make the weekend as hospitable as possible. Do you have a few spots left for some swimmers to sleep over the weekend? Then send Tess (+31 6 83898507) a message!



The costs of this ONKS are as follows



Sleeping friday




Dinner + party


Sleeping saturday



As some already know, you can indicate your preferred distances when you register. This time there will be no swimming for points, so whatever you want to swim you can swim! In addition, if you feel the need for a relay swim please let me know!


If you don't want to swim but just want to party, that's possible too! Just let me know when you register!